Ph: 1300 88 75 76 - RTO ID 91528

Safe Load Program (SLP) Course

Wetherill Park NSW
Face to face
Three (3) hours
Click Register Now to see upcoming dates

NOTE:  The SLP Course starts at 3:30pm – immediately after Day One of the Dangerous Goods Licence Course.

Click REGISTER NOW on the right hand side to see upcoming course dates.

The Safe Load Program (SLP) is a prerequisite for anyone needing to enter a petroleum facility to load bulk petroleum product.

SLP has been prepared to provide generic introductory training for drivers entering oil industry terminals and depots, and it is intended to ensure the safety of personnel and the protection of facilities at oil industry inland storage and distribution facilities throughout Australia.

SLP consists of 5 modules:

  1. Health and safety
  2. Product Properties
  3. Vehicles Loading
  4. Tanker & Gantry Knowledge
  5. Training and Assessment

SLP Course Fee: $385 per person, plus $150 card fee which is payable directly to the SLP Administration

Training Course Fee


PLUS $150 Card Fee payable directly to SLP

Click below to view course dates